Squitieri & Fearon, LLP is investigating claims for current or former employees in fast food restaurants who have not been paid minimum wage, have been denied overtime, have not been paid for all hours that the employee worked because their employer required that some of their work be done “off the clock,” or have not been compensated for the costs of purchasing or maintaining their uniforms.
Compensable Time: Under federal and state wage and hour laws, employers are required to pay their employees for all hours worked, whether or not those hours are properly recorded. Under these laws, a work day begins when an employee starts their first work-related activity, and ends when they finish their last work-related activity of the day. The wage-and-hour laws also require employers to pay non-exempt employees “time-and-a-half” overtime wages when they work over 40-hours in a given workweek. Some employers in the fast food industry attempt to avoid paying their employees for all hours worked and overtime by requiring them to work “off the clock” or by altering employee payroll records.
Uniform Maintenance: Employers that require their employees to wear uniforms may be required to reimburse that employee for the costs of maintaining the uniforms if those uniforms require daily or special laundering due to heavy soiling or usage, or which require ironing, dry-cleaning or patching and repairs due to the nature of the work.
If you are a current or former employee of a fast food restaurant and would like to discuss your rights as they pertain to this investigation, please contact Stephen J. Fearon, Jr. by email at info@sfclasslaw.com or by phone at (212) 421-6492.